During this holiday season we would like to spread the word about a worthy organization. Architecture for Humanity is a non-profit design services firm committed to building a more sustainable future through the power of professional design.

Founded in 1999, Architecture for Humanity recruits from a network of more than 50,000 professionals willing to lend time and expertise to help those who would not otherwise be able to afford their services. They channel the resources of the global funding community to meaningful projects that make a difference locally. From conception to completion, they manage all aspects of the design and construction process. From schools and hospitals, to homes and sports facilities, AFH brings lasting change to communities, by providing safe, well-designed structures, sanitation systems, and post-disaster shelter to many thousands of people, while responsibly addressing climate change.

The executive director Cameron Sinclair comments that in the past few years disaster relief has taken on a greater role in their enterprise, with the events in Japan, the Gulf Coast, and now the aftermath of hurricane Sandy.


Inside the Architecture + Design Museum


Modern Living: A West Coast Thanksgiving