Elevating Home Entertainment: Luxury Home Theaters in Modern Resort-Style Homes

Elevating Home Entertainment: Luxury Home Theaters in Modern Resort-Style Homes

Modern resort style homes are retreats from the outside world, places to live out nearly every facet of our lives, in the comfort and privacy of our own space. Home movie theaters (and media rooms) complement this luxurious mode of living, inviting us to unwind and relax, escape the day, explore, and get inspired, without having to go anywhere.

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Our California Modern Legacy: 38 Years of Evolving Luxury Resort Style Living
Ray Eames: The Unsung Visionary Behind Mid-Century Modern Masterpieces
Maximizing Luxury in Minimal Spaces: Indoor-Outdoor Living Under 10,000 Square Feet
7 Years Later - Benedict Canyon 2023
The Nature of Biophilic Design - Part II
The Nature of Biophilic Design - Part I
Creating Coral House
Remembering Architect Harry Gesner - A Man Ahead of His Time
Iconic Movie Houses - Part II
Iconic Movie Houses - Part I

Iconic Movie Houses - Part I

Each of our designs is inspired by the lives of those who will work, live, and play in them. The lives that occupy the work, inspire the body of work. Architectural spaces hold the stories of our lives, and similarly, movie settings are containers for unfolding storylines.

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