Iconic Movie Houses - Part I

Iconic Movie Houses - Part I

Each of our designs is inspired by the lives of those who will work, live, and play in them. The lives that occupy the work, inspire the body of work. Architectural spaces hold the stories of our lives, and similarly, movie settings are containers for unfolding storylines.

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Creating BigHorn
Modern Home Outdoor Living

Modern Home Outdoor Living

A house open to the outdoors is now a staple of modern residential design and is a defining hallmark of Whipple Russell’s design for a West Coast lifestyle.

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Creating Los Tilos in the Hollywood Hills

Creating Los Tilos in the Hollywood Hills

It is always our ambition for our clients to experience an emotional and sensory reaction upon entering a house of our design. “Ahh” and “Wow,” mean we’ve succeeded.

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Creating Trousdale
Creating Laurel Way
Modern Design: Engineer Koje Shoraka

Modern Design: Engineer Koje Shoraka

Those of you who visit here often are aware of Marc’s signature specialties and design elements – hillsides, levels, glass walls, high ceilings and rooms that flow together.

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